COVID-19 response
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the daily lives of nearly everyone around the globe. Changing health and safety protocols and evolving circumstances around the world, require that we be careful every step of the way. The foundation will continue to do so until action can be taken in a safe and reasonable manner.
How COVID-19 has affected the foundation
The pandemic has greatly affected some of the foundation’s plans for the future. One of the foundation’s biggest projects – The Sacred Trust Project – was delayed. Construction was halted on the school due to the COVID situation in India. Not only does this affect the foundation but it also affects the children who this school was supposed to reach. COVID has made this year one of the first years where global poverty has increased
How we are moving on from COVID-19
We are looking towards normalcy and more lenient health and safety procedures. The foundation aims to break new ground soon on it’s current projects. As the situation continues to unfold, we have been monitoring and revising our timelines for some of our international development projects.
Estimates show that the pandemic has increased global poverty. An uptrend in global poverty hasn’t occurred in years.
Moving forward we wish to continue to be a force for good and continue to provide essential services, aimed at the eradication of global poverty.